Do you ever missing your folder after you do the virus scanning?
Its can be that your computer is contaminated with .scr virus.
The way of work this virus is very simple, They change every folders in computer or flashdisk become application file and when we open it its write 32kb on the capacity (it’s meants that they doubling the capacity).
When we try to cleanup using the Antivirus, the virus can be cleanup but the effect from the scanning is all the folders that contaminate with virus is missing.
But actualy all of that folder was not disappears it’s just hide only. And all the missing folders can be returning by using attrib command on command prompt.
It’s seem so simple but believe me it is. Before we discussed how to returning back the missing folders we will discuse about this attribute.
For view the attribute properties it’s can be doing on two ways:
1. Throught Windows Prompt
2. By Command Prompt.
Command attribute working on DOS command prompt, that have some fungtion. One of the fungtion is for setting the attribute from some file, is it will be named :
- read-only file attribute
- Archive file attribute
- System File Attibut
- Hidden File Attribut
For retuning back the missing folders we can use the 2nd way. There is by using Command Prompt.
Here is the steps for retuning back the missing folders:
1. Click start
2. choose run
3. then write cmd
4. will show the Command Prompt windows
5. write attrib /? on the Command Prompt for knowing some command on the attribute properties.
6. then right on that Prompt will show some word that explain about the attribute such:
- character (+) ? for set an attribute
- character (-) ? for Clears an attribute
- letter R ? for read-only file attribute
- letter A ? for Archive file attribute
- letter S ? for System file attribute
- letter H ? for Hidden file attribute
- /S ? for matching files in the current folder and all subfolders
- /D ? for Processes folders as well.
7. For returning the missing folders write a command on the command prompt
Attrib –s –h *-* /S /D
(write that command on the drive that contain the missing folders)
8. Next refresh the computer or all computer Drives. Than all the missing folders will showing again.
So from now we do not need to worry with missing folder because of .scr virus.
Well that’s all. Hope this can be usefull.